Thursday 30 April 2015

Not a happy bunny

 'Meltdown' is a term that's used to describe a horrible occurrence that's experienced by autistic people. It's where the brain becomes so overloaded with sensory experiences that it is unable to cope with processing them, and the person 'loses it' for the moment.
I have a way of bottling things up. I'm sure it's quite unhealthy, but it is a coping mechanism. In the past most of my meltdowns happened at home when I was on my own. They happened at the end of the day, when I sat down and thought of things that I'd had to bottle up during the day, and tried to let go of them. Mine would manifest themselves as intense flashes of rage. My arms would ache, and my arms and legs would become restless. There would be a sensation if intense panic. I'd sit down and cry for ages, boiling with temper, and just wait for the thing to pass. In my more recent past I'd also smash things that were important to me, or hurt myself. I'd sometimes feel these attacks coming on at work, in which case I'd either go outside for a fag (or three) or disappear into the loo until I'd started to calm down.
When I moved to where I live now, I started trying to socialise. That wasn't much of a success, although I thought it was at the time. There were people who were so 'in-your-face' with their talking, or who I found so annoying, that I had a couple of meltdowns in public for the first time. I just cannot cope with incessant noise, non-stop talking, or people endlessly dragging you into conversations you didn't want to take part in. I exploded. I can assure you that these experiences aren't at all funny. They are exhausting. It takes a while to get over them too.
What's got me hot under the collar is that the word 'meltdown' seems to have become trendy. I hear it used to describe it when someone throws a strop. I even see it used in the title of events. I can tell you it gives me the creeps.

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