Saturday 30 August 2014


You'd soon know if a cat was hiding in your hood, because the wheel would stop going round as the cat got wedged between them.


I've got a bit of a headache. Quick trip to the German supermarket, then home.

A true genius

Meet WA Mozart (1756-91), someone whose music I have always loved and felt at home with. Melody, orchestration and harmony aside, he articulates form by using all these strands. Analysis of his compositions in an education in itself, for he breaks all the rules. STOP IT. WHOSE RULES?? There weren't any such rules in his day. He was one of the composers whose works were used in the nineteenth century to fit into nineteenth-century boxes that were used to describe the style. The speed at which he composed, and his legendary powers of memory, are phenomenal.

One is not amused




I am finally starting to learn to be more discerning with my choice of friends. There are people whose friendship I once valued. Their behaviour towards me has made me re-evaluate our relationship. The friends I have now are the best one could have. I have nothing to do with the others.


Yesterday at the library, I heard two chav girls laughing at an autistic man while he was still in earshot. I was outraged an challenged them. I complained to a very disinterested librarian, and I apologised 'for spoiling his day'. The chavs carried on laughing sarcastically for a couple of minutes but left abruptly soon afterwards. Sickening.

A musical interlude

My reputation seems to be growing. I have been asked to play on Saturday at our best-known tourist attraction. I've also been asked to play that morning in an art gallery. I'm over the moon!

Last night

I had a fantastic night at the pub. It was the busiest I've ever had it, and mostly new people too. I started at 8.30 instead of 9, and finished after midnight, instead of 11pm. There was lots of loud singing and lots of applause, and I met some lovely people.

Friday 29 August 2014

A new recipe

I'm sorry friend. Did your hamburger recipe came from the same book as this?

A menace

At the pub the other night, I had to listen to the cunt talking to a poor woman about wax for at least an hour. He didn't stop talking all night. I was sure I could see blood rushing from the woman's eye-sockets. Poor cow.

Personal hygiene

Queen Elizabeth was the cleanest person in the country. She had a bath every year, without fail.

A musical interlude

This morning I have neen asked to play for a friend's wife who is ill. She's being brought to the pub at 3pm. I won't play much as I'm busy at home, and am playing tonight in any case


Really awful last night. It went as follows:

11pm bed
awake for ages
1.30am awake. Shattered. moved to sofa. Awake for a bit.
4am awake. still awake at 6am. Back to bed
8.20am woke up for the last time.

Last night

A quiet night in. While making a pasta sauce I washed the carpet in the spare room. After dinner I watched 'Doctor Syn', one of my favourite films. Lovely.

Stuff and nonsense

Censorship again.

Peace and quiet

We are now being treated to the sound of a very bad-tempered kid screaming it's lungs out downstairs.

Fashion sense


I hope the person sees this.

Ein Missverstaendnis

Straight to the point


Good advice

Highway code

Health and safety


Thursday 28 August 2014

Undiluted shite

I don't like animals and think this is sentimental crap.


Out of ten news leads on Facebook today, six of them are about Football, and two are about Showbiz. This is neither interesting nor news. I wish there was a way of stopping this shit hitting my screen.

The impending visit

My German friend is coming to stay for a week on Monday. I have been looking forward to it. I'm so excited I might even do my washing-up. I'll probably have a bath especially.

So true!


The constant babbling in this place is very draining on me, when I'm trying to think.

A strange day

Walking up the hill to the library, I felt myself surrounded by lots of elderly people. They reminded me of wombats.

Sunday school???


I've just spent half an hour in the presence of two chav bitches. There really aught to be a law against them.


What is the bitch thinking?

Losing one's figure

Last night

It was a lovely night at the pub. About a dozen friends came there at various times, and there was much fun and laughter. There were no cunts at all all night. What a result!! No bravado shows of indifference were required. Lovely. That's how it should be. A nice time with friends.

Yet more about Aspergers

More about Aspergers

The learning process

Very true

Seeing reason


Wednesday 27 August 2014


I am feeling ever more comfortable with who I am, and therefore increasingly confident about life. These are good times.

British cinema

My German friend has told me that he likes this film. We'll watch it when he comes, as well as these excellent films:

A serious infestation

The library is full of zombies today.


I've been listening to a running commentary of pure, undiluted shit for the past hour or so. Very trying.

Last night

I had an unexpected visitor. I was already cooking so we had dinner together. He has issues too, although different from my own, and I really find the conversation draining. The person is very kind though, and I'd never ever turn them away. We ended up at the pub, where I drowned myself in cider.


Medical advice

Very silly!!!

Very true

Very funny!!!

Tuesday 26 August 2014


I wonder if it works with other subjects.

A menace


I'm feeling very strong and positive. The last few months have in some ways been unspeakably awful, but I've come through, having slaughtered a few more of my personal demons.

Getting older

Would you believe my German friend and I are talking about spam and black pudding?

A beautiful display

On Saturday I saw some fireworks further down the coast. This is what my camera did to the image.

Ein schoenes Lied

There is someone I'd love to sing this to, but I'm too much of a gentleman (sometimes).



As you are probably aware, I use the word 'cunt' quite frequently. I don't use it excessively, but I use it whenever it is the right word for that which I mean to say. My friend from Uni sent me a hilarious card giving numerous synonyms for 'cunt', so that I can start varying my vocabulary.


I no longer feel in any way by the presence of certain individuals. I have finall learned how to really enjoy life again.

Happy days

I made a batch of chutney at the weekend. I used some plums from friends' gardens, augmented by bramley apples and conference pears. It will be ready to eat at Christmas.

Appalled, of Slough

The high street is crawling with Chavs today.


While I was playing, someone whom I dislike intensely kept passing snide comments, most of which I heard. I reacted with a virtuoso show of indifference, which annoyed the person even further. I wore my total lack of interest in the person like a suit of armour. I was the one who maintained my dignity.

The weekend

When I went to the pub on Saturday, there was a group of people from London who had come down for a singalong. I explained that my sessions were on Fridays, but rose to the occasion. It was a lovely crowd and a lovely night. On Sunday some people who weren't local came in, and they also asked me to play. That went spectacularly well. I am still astonished at how well I am thought of.