Monday 13 April 2015

Another autism thing

I feel some satisfaction with the way my musical life is going. I'm particularly happy that I'm asked to play classical pieces in the pub, as well as having found the opportunity to play harpsichord music regularly (albeit on a digital keyboard).
My musical activities give me some sort of in-road to an independent social life. I can talk to people in my capacity as a musician, which removes any necessity for small talk, and means I don't have to talk about myself, except from a musical standpoint.
For example I was delighted when one visitor to the historic building came over and asked me about Elizabethan keyboard instruments. Lovely. I was happy that she was interested, and I was able to talk about something I know about, and enjoy talking about.
Another example was when a customer in the pub asked me about my phenominal memory for music. I didn't tell him it was probably connected to my autism. I got around that by explaining it as a process of repetition and practice. Of course in my case that is only part of the explanation. In other areas I can repeat things till I'm blue in the face (for example connecting the components of my hi-fi system), but have no powers of retention and will have forgotten how to do it by the next time I need to do it.

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