Friday 17 June 2016


The people upstairs had been atrocious on and off all evening. It was quiet when I went to bed though. I was just nodding off when there was an almighty thud overhead, and then it sounded like heavy furniture being dragged around. Those people really are cunts.
My sleep was disturbed by strange dreams. On one occasion I woke up feeling very anxious. In the dream there was a great sense of urgency. Some other people were involved, but I don't remember who. I do remember my mum and her husband being in it. I was variously a child, who had reported them to the authorities for psychological abuse, and an adult desperately trying to get somewhere. At one point I was in the countryside, on the outskirts of the town where I grew up. I went up a hill that existed only in my dream. When I got to the top and looked over the other side I saw the Royal Naval College in Greenwich.
I woke up at around half past six this morning, and was up shortly afterwards.

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