Thursday 20 August 2015


This is Isobel II of Spain, who was born in 1830 and reigned from 1833 to 1868, when she was overthrown by a military coup. This carton shows the poor old love going into exile.
She was a queer old stick, always intriguing against, and meddling in her governments. On one visit to her son after his restoration, she was told to leave the country because of her constant scheming. And on top of all her troubles look at all the chins the poor dear had to contend with.
Here is how an English visitor described her during her reign:

The Queen is large in stature, but rather what might be called bulky than stately. There is no dignity either in her face or figure, and the graces of majesty are altogether wanting. The countenance is cold and expressionless, with traces of an unchastened, unrefined, and impulsive character, and the indifference it betrays is not redeemed by any regularity or beauty of feature.

Apart from status, she never really had much going for her, poor sod.

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