Saturday 13 February 2016


My booking was for two o'clock, so I got there an hour early to warm up. In the event the party didn't arrive until twenty past three. I suppose that after the crematorium  the people must have gone home to change, and must have needed time to compose themselves. I started playing as the first person came through the door and continued for a couple of hours, apart from a short break when the dead man's brother gave a talk. The ceilidh stuff went down particularly well. It had been hit or miss until Saturday morning, but by the afternoon I finally understood it. I played about ten reels back to back, with or without repeats, back to back in patchwork fashion, darting from one to the other at random. Some people did sing occasionally, but it wasn't that sort of do. Several people came up to me to say how much they had enjoyed my music. I've been getting messages online too. It was unfortunate that the electrics cut out early in the afternoon. Much of the function was by candlelight, but that didn't spoil anyone's enjoyment, if that is the right word.

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