Tuesday 26 May 2015

A musical interlude

My musical activities became more enjoyable as the weekend progressed. Well sort of.
A few people sat and listened to my harpsichord stuff on Sunday, but there were more visitors than on Saturday. Yesterday was best of all. I had some really lovely comments from visitors, and more people spent time listening to, and enjoying  what I played.
The pub was a different matter. It was busy alright, but not with my sort of people, so I just played until a quarter to nine. I stayed for a glass of wine afterwards. I had one very prickly moment when a fat woman sat down close up to me on the bench and wanted to sing. I panicked and the defences went up. That sort of proximity to strangers really freaks me out. Anyway, the sort of songs she wanted me to play showed me she was just taking the piss. I shocked her by playing a couple of them. She'd had a drop to drink, and was over-compensatingly chatty afterwards. I let the stupid mare buy me a drink before completely ignoring her.
There are people I know socially, although not very well, who come in to see me most Sundays. I really appreciate that support, and don't take it for granted. It cheers me up every time I see them. On the other hand I have friends who never come to see me. I do not include my close people, of course, who are separated by distance, or whose extreme workloads or other commitments prevent them from coming. One of my close people who has issues with the place I play at has even put himself out to come to see me on several occasions But there are people who are in the area on Sundays who never come. I can't help drawing conclusions from that. That's reality for you.
What I do really doesn't matter in the end. I've decided that once my income is more reliable, I'm going to give the old pub mullarkey the old heave-ho.

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