Had a nice time at the pub yesterday, because there was a nice crowd, and my brother and his partner were there. It took me a little while to settle in, because my moods were very strange yesterday. Cunt the Second and Cunt the Sixth both turned up. For the first time ever I managed to completely block the cunts out, so they didn't bother me at all.
I went to bed around 2am and got up at 7.30am, having woken up fifteen minutes earlier with the alarm. I did wake up a few times during the night. I did the coffee and fags bit, went to buy a bus pass, and then went straight to work.
The picture above is Work (1865) by Ford Madox Brown. Despite the labourers' backbreaking work, they are immaculately clean and well-presented, and have expressions of contentment bordering on the mystical. They appear to be well-nourished. The better-off folk look on with an air of smug haughtiness, satisfied that God's order (according to them) is being maintained. To them, it doesn't matter one jot that the poor flower-sellers on the left of the picture can't even afford a pair of shoes. Who cares. They are poor because they are immoral, therefore they have only themselves to blame. The wealthier folk are wealthier because they are more virtuous, therefore they are reaping the rewards of a virtuous life. Actually the whole painting is a lie, a travesty of real life. I love this painting.
When I go to work, I feel a bit like one of Madox Brown's labourers. My work can be heavy but it isn't backbreaking, although it can be monotonous. I try to maintain a calm and contented expression, in order to give the supervisors the illusion that I actually enjoy what I am doing. While I am working I think of those closest to me, and this really lightens my day. No readers, let me assure you that I don't enjoy it at all. I loathe it. I am more than willing to do it though, in the hope that it will lead to some paid employment.
I had the promising news today, that there will be another work placement at the local archaeological society. This is much more to my liking as it involves archiving and admin stuff. Please keep your fingers crossed for me.
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