Friday, 21 February 2014

A lively intellect

I seem to function mostly on the intellectual plane. Even when I write my blogs I tend to intellectualise what I say. I collect my thoughts and analyse them. I look for patterns in my thoughts and behaviour. I try to seek out the connections that make me who I am.
I now ask myself a question: Is intellect the same as intelligence? I suppose it must be a kind of intelligence, in that it is a mental faculty. I wonder to myself if intelligence includes the ability to channel ones intellect to achieve a result. That is where I get stuck, really stuck. I can talk with insight and in great detail about music and history. I enjoy solving mathematical problems. I can converse with ease in two foreign languages, and with some difficulty in a third. I play the harpsichord to professional standard, and am more than competent on the piano.
What else can I do? Not very much, if the truth be told. I'm not really interested in much else. I have always struggled to cope with everyday existence. I lack foresight which I should have from past experiences. I struggle with decision-making. I lack the confidence to repair or make things which most people seem to find so easy. I lack confidence. Confidence, I wish I could have some.
On the other hand I suppose I must have some good qualities, or else I wouldn't be surrounded by the wonderful people who are family and friends to me.
In answer to my own question in paragraph two, yes I am intellectual, no I am not intelligent. Far from it, I think.

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