Sunday, 23 February 2014

Dance in a Pavilion (c1730) by Nicolas Lancret

Yesterday was lovely at the pub. They held a party to celebrate the landlord's birthday, and his wedding anniversary which falls on the same day. I had been so looking forward to it. My brother and his partner were there, so was my local family, so was the odd bunch, so were my 'spectrum' friends. LOVELY! There were also another ten-or-so people that I know socially. It was a decent-sized gathering of really lovely people.
They played records to begin with, and there was much conversation and laughter. Later on the landlord asked me to play, so we handed out the 'hymn books' (song sheets) and had a singalong.
One thing was very difficult though, namely Cunt the First, who had also arrived and was on particularly top form. He kept getting his claws into my brother, so I kept strategically re-positioning myself so as to be a human barrier. It was hard work in the end and I had to concede defeat. The mad bastard didn't stop talking. His sentence had started when he arrived around 9pm, and was still incomplete some three hours later. I became increasingly uncomfortable as the evening progressed, and started to have a meltdown. I put my coat on and was about to leave, when the landlord and landlady persuaded me to stay. The truth is that it's very difficult when you are with someone you'd like to talk to, but are prevented from doing so. Both my brother and I find it difficult to challenge. I often feel on the point of exploding with frustration at the cunt, but I generally hold back because a) I know this is another customer whose custom is needed b) I don't want to upset the other customers c) I cannot express my anger in a structured way. His selfish intrusiveness has disturbed me to the point that I now dream about the cunt. I am so angry with him that, frankly, it wouldn't take much for me to push him into the harbour.
When the cunt left normality prevailed. Normal conversations took place, where both parties took turns to speak, and with seemly pauses between phrases and sentences.
The party itself was lovely. The hosts and the people were lovely. I really enjoyed myself, except for the in-your-face presence of the beforementioned cunt. I steel feel prickly now.

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