I am full of the joys of spring! I had an extravagant breakfast today; as well as the usual coffee and fags, I've just had toast and marmalade, made with some exceptionally delicious bread.
The above picture is a still life by Breughel the younger. I remembered it as I was thinking about my family and closest friends. To me, the flowers represent those people. Look at all the different colours, sizes, shapes, forms and characteristics. My people are equally diverse in terms of their personalities, interests and abilities. They are all highly intelligent, whether non-autistic or autistic. They are all creative, whether with their hands, their minds, or both. To me, every one of my people is as perfect as each of the flowers in the painting. I am so lucky that the people I like being with also like being with me.
When I lived in London my social life was an occasional event. I would travel up and down the country to see people when I was able. Now, for the first time in my entire existence, I have a real social life. Apart from the close people I have already told you about, there are other people I am very fond of but not close to. I know that every day, I will see someone I like. In London that never happened. I am often stopped in the street by people I know socially. In London that didn't happen either. In London I lived in a mire of loneliness, depression and physical exhaustion from the long hours I used to work. Now I don't feel lonely, except for during the day. It's the aspergers bit again; I need time to myself but don't like my own company.
I used to be very creative in my own company, once upon a time. I taught myself the harpsichord up to degree level, whilst riddled with depression. I used to enjoy my own playing on my own. Now it is different; I only enjoy my own playing if one of my close people is there.
Nearest and dearest, the flowers are about you, and they are for you, as a small token of my feelings.
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