Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Full of the joys of spring

I have just come back from the doctor's, having made an appointment for Monday. That's fine. The local college have booked me in for a month-long computer course for beginners, and that is due to start on Monday. I've texted the college because I can't be in two places at once. It's rather odd being a university graduate, in that there seems to be a 'one size fits all' attitude toward the unemployed.
I know that I'm feeling much better than I have done, because I'm cooking something as a treat, rather than as a necessity. Now don't jump up and down, whatever you do! It's nothing exciting, but is one of my favourite things nonetheless; good old-fashioned Plum Duff. Suet puddens are so comforting and so satisfying. What a jolly life I lead.
I'm going to the pub (for a change) after dinner, as usual. My brother will be on duty, and I expect to see my 'spectrum' friends, plus three others who have contacted me. I anticipate a very convivial evening with lots of laughter. My brain has been swirling with thoughts and ideas all day, mostly nice ones I hasten to say, but I think a little bit of social diversion will do me a power of good.

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