Monday, 17 February 2014

An Election Entertainment (1755) by William Hogarth

I went to the pub as usual yesterday evening. My mood was still a horrible mixture of expressionism, cubism and atonality. Very unpleasant indeed; grim in fact. I wanted to have people around me, but didn't really want to talk. Some people came in who I didn't recognise, but they said they recognised me. Apparently they had heard me harpsichording at the usual venue, and had chatted to me there. Anyway I ended up on the keyboard. I started off with all the old cockney pub songs, then played Schubert & Beethoven on the piano, and Rameau on the harpsichord. It went down well.
I was just about to play scrabble with the landlady, when in came two of my family circle. It was a lovely surprise. Not too long afterwards my brother and his partner came in. Also my friend who had had the incident the previous day dropped by. That was a relief, as I'd been upset about it all day.
I found it hard to talk yesterday, and found myself going outside when the hubbub got too much. It's one of those aspergers things; I hear everything at once but don't hear a thing. My arms start to ache and I need to remove myself. My arms still ache now, but my mood has improved on yesterday.
I had a game of scrabble with the landlord. I must admit that I really enjoyed losing. It's just as much fun as winning. I think that the four pints of cider I guzzled probably loosened me up a bit.
I didn't sleep well, again. I went to bed at 1.30am and got up at 10am, having been awake for a couple of hours, lying there thinking and thinking with my foot tapping. I woke up a few times during the night.
I'm trying very hard to be confident, and hope today will be better. It is possible there will be an Odd Bunch reunion today. I do hope so, and I'm just waiting for the text message.
Having had no luck with finding a job, I've finally (or eventually) decided what to do. I'm going to try and get students for piano lessons. I used to give piano lessons, and the twenty-or-so kids that I taught all got good results. In truth I'd prefer to teach adults as I find them easier to communicate with. I'd also like to teach autistic people, as we're wired up the same. Wouldn't it be fantastic if I could?

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