Sunday, 16 February 2014

Down the pub

The picture is by the Dutch Old Master Jan Steen. I don't know the title, but it shows another of his delightful boozing scenes.The video is of the lovely old music-hall song Put a bit of treacle on me pudden, Mary Ann, by Harry Champion. It's such a fun song that nobody remembers any more, but I always play it on the piano at the pub when I'm on.
Last night started off very quiet. Two people I knew were there, who say they enjoy my playing, so I played a few of the favourite songs to them. They left, and in came a minibus-load of pub crawlers. They were very lively, so I belted out the whole lot to them. The atmosphere was really nice.
Anyway after they left, a good few of my friends and acquaintances started drifting in. My friends with the aspergers thing came in, and brought three of their friends. What a lovely surprise. She brought me some really delicious morsels that she'd made; smoked duck, tarte au citron, and clotted cream fudge. I can tell you, girl, your cooking is better than sex. Well better than most of the sex I've ever had, in any case. Recently I had a nice email from their son. He's also an aspie who likes music. He's accepted my offer of keyboard lessons when I'm sorted out, which I'm really pleased about.
My brother and his partner came in, which was another lovely surprise. A couple of customers asked me to play quite late, about 12.30am I think. I did explain that the playing was likely to be slightly intoxicated, but played anyway, and made a fair fist of it.
Unfortunately two people had come in who had hurt a friend of ours emotionally. Unfortunately he felt goaded by their presence and exploded. It nearly turned into a fight, but was prevented from doing so by the timely intervention of others. I am no good in these situations; I get completely phased out and find myself paralysed with fear. He's such a lovely bloke, and I've never seen him react like that before. I still feel very sad about it.

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