Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Since I last wrote

The hand and knee are healing very nicely. The smarting pain of yesterday has turned into the pain of bruised bones. My knee is stiff and swollen. I'm not unduly worried as I know the pain will pass. I've changed my mind about telling my GP about the fit. When I feel ready for the walk, I'll go up to the surgery to book an appointment.

I went up to the pub yesterday evening and it was quite busy. My brother was on duty, and I talked to someone I know socially. I had difficulty understanding what was said, because of all the hubbub, but managed to cope by lip-reading. I went outside for a fag and saw Cunt the First coming down the road, so I shot inside to warn my brother. I thought on my toes, and we had the scrabble board set up by the time the cunt arrived. A result. Mercifully he didn't stay too long. I will suggest to the landlord that they obtain an air raid siren, which we can use as a cunt alarm. It should be activated directly a cunt is sighted. Later on I played the keyboard for a bit. One of the odd bunch popped in very briefly, and it was lovely to see him.

After the customers had all gone, my brother and I had a really good talk about experiences and issues. Aspergers really leaves one vulnerable. I believe there is a species of person who recognises vulnerability from a great distance, and homes in on the person in order to use and exploit them. My brother and I have both had such experiences. I wish my brother could see his good points. He simply cannot understand yet how intelligent he is. He writes and plays his own songs. I can't make anything. All I can do is to interpret and analyse, for example when I play music, or talk about paintings or history. He speaks intelligently and with insight, but doesn't recognise that he has done so. I don't suffer fools gladly, and would not entertain the notion of talking to a rocking-horse. Let me assure you he is neither a fool, nor a rocking-horse. In spite of what he says about himself, he is one of the sanest and nicest blokes I know. I hope it won't be too much longer before he sees the good in himself. It's tragic.

Last night the weather turned nasty and it rained for a bit, but it didn't last. Today it's beautifully sunny and spring-like again.

It's lovely to come out of a deep depression.

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