Tuesday, 18 February 2014

News from the funny farm

I am still waiting for an appointment with the ASD unit, to which I've been referred. I saw the psychiatrists at the end of November 2013. Today I received a copy of the psychiatrists' report to my GP. It is lengthy and generally very accurate, however one or two of the behaviours and biographical data are not as I said. I'm not surprised, as they asked me lots of questions, but I wonder whether I should tell my GP.
I sometimes find writing my blogs very hard. I'm finding it hard now. Never in my life have I confronted so many ogres. Until now I had neither found the need to consider how I feel, nor the wish to express it. It simply wasn't important. It didn't matter one bit. Well it does now, to me at least. It has been an interesting but bumpy journey. I feel I am a little closer to finding out who I am. I have probably opened Pandora's box, but I'll continue to deal with the issues as they arise. I'll just let the maelstrom rage around me as usual, until I have the skills to pull myself out.

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