I like this picture. Look at the lot of them On your left, ladies and gentlemen, Queen Maud of Norway is draped over a chair. Next to her sits a veritable hausfrau, the Kaiserin. Behind them stand the ever-cheerful Alfonso xiii of Spain, and the ever-peaceful Kaiser Bill. Unusually, neither of them is in uniform. In the middle stands the elegantly corseted Queen Alexandra, with a couple of pearls on. To her right sits a ridiculous bonnet, I mean Queen Maria Amalia of Portugal (nee Amelie d'Orleans), who was lucky enough to get her bum on the throne just before revolution broke out. The ugly git behind her is Edward vii. Last but not least is Queen Victoria, Alfonso's wife.
Five of the individuals in this photo are direct blood relations. Two others are their spouses. The dynastic ambitions of this family resulted in the bloodbath commonly known as the First World War. You wouldn't think it, would you? They look such nice people in the photo.
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