Sunday, 2 March 2014

Last night

The above picture is of Weston's Music Hall, High Holborn, London, in the 1880s. Music Hall songs from that period form the core of the music that I play at my singalongs.
Yesterday I went to the pub at about 6pm to warm up for the 8pm start. I ran through some Beethoven, Schubert, Chopin and Schumann. It was odd; I suddenly remembered some Beethoven sonatas that I'd last played when I was fourteen or fifteen years old. My brother was there, and it was really lovely to see him looking so happy and relaxed.
8pm came round, but there were only two other people to be seen. GULP. I started sight-reading songs from my music hall songbook, and I could hear the lady singing the songs. That was lovely, and I think I will add some of these to the 'hymnbooks' we hand out to customers. One of the songs was 'Oh. oh Antonio', and the video is of Florrie Forde performing the song. 8.40pm came round and there was a sudden influx of customers, so I went and had a fag before kicking off.
The night was a great success, and people told me how much they had enjoyed it. I really enjoyed their singing too, I can tell you. Some friends came just to take part, and I'm so glad that they did. One slight irritation though; Cunt the First turned up talking, and carried on talking. He just wouldn't fuckingwell shut up. He annoyed one regular by butting in on her private conversation and then taking it over. While I was playing I could hear him traumatising my brother and a friend, so I finished the song and went for a fag. The friend followed me, and I hatched a plot. I told the friend to come and sit by me, and on the way in, I asked my brother to be my page-turner. So the three of us went towards the keyboard, and I think the penny dropped because the cunt left shortly afterwards. A RESULT!!! It was nice too, because people could sing without being interrupted by that perennial pest. By the way I didn't need a page-turner, as I was playing from memory at that point.
I finished playing at 11.30pm, and spent the rest of the night talking to my brother and some friends, over a couple of pints. Very convivial and very, very enjoyable. Lovely.
I went to bed at around 3am and got up around 11am, having been awake for a good hour or so. I still feel a bit pie-eyed, but full of the enjoyment of yesterday.

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