Friday, 14 March 2014

Another silly old queen

This is Queen Maud of Norway (1869-1938). She was apparently very popular in her new country, al;though I've never quite worked out why. She always felt herself to be English and never really got the hang of Norway. When she was young, she liked to be photographed draped either over or around things (top photo). When she got older she turned into a womble (bottom photo).
My mind has been just as busy as usual today, mostly with abstract thoughts ; the thoughts are mostly about feelings rather than facts. The thoughts are predominantly good ones, although with a good splash of apprehension thrown in. I want to regain the happiness of a few days ago. I am looking hard for the light at the end of that particular tunnel, although I don't feel nearly as wretched as I did at the beginning of the week.
 I feel tired today. I know I don't sleep nearly enough, but don't remember waking up during the night, which is a nice change.

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