Monday, 17 March 2014

Much nicer

I'm feeling much calmer than I have been for a while, and feel more comfortable inside. I just started thinking about Greenwich, and the lovely times that my late friend and I had there. The rhododendrons in the park always fill me with joy. They are like old friends that I have known since I was a child. The old buildings rouse mixed emotions in me, but the architecture is stunning.
I listened to the birds singing outside my window this morning. Well they weren't really singing. All I could hear was seagulls screaming and parakeets squawking. This evening the birdsong is beautiful, with predominantly goldfinches, and seagulls in the distance.
I'm going to meet my brother at the pub after dinner, and I'm looking forward to that.
Finally, for now, I am truly astonished that my blog has so far attracted over 3100 hits. I've always found myself to be such a boring person, and the bit that I don't get is that people want to read about my life.

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