Saturday, 1 March 2014

Jan Steen: Argument Over a Card Game

Let me tell you about my spectrum friends. They are really lovely people and very talented, and I'm becoming very fond of them. He and she are self-employed, and teach their kids at home. What is nice for me is that our brains are all bolted in the same way, so we are completely on the same wavelength. Most people who don't know me don't understand my sense of humour, or find it odd. When I visited them before, I was quite shocked that the kids found the same things funny that I did.
Let me give you an example. I told them how my brother and I sometimes played two games of our own invention, called Spastic Snap and Autistic Chess. In the former, you can shout 'Snap' whenever you want. There are no rules. You can take another player's cards. You can take whichever cards you want. You can even hit each other, but of course I would not allow the young 'uns to do that. In the latter, you can take any piece you like, of whichever colour, and move it exactly where you want to. You can take as many pieces as you like. You can put pieces back on the board after they've been taken. Again, hitting is allowed for players over eighteen years of age.
They also laughed at my take on harpoon guns, as I said I wanted one for christmas. (I didn't tell them it was because I wanted to sort out a couple of cunts). The kids all wanted a go at firing it, but of course the age restriction applies, and risk assessments etc. would need to be completed.
I had such fun, and a lovely afternoon there.

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