The school I attend is in a nearby town, and I made the journey by bus. I don't like the proximity of the other passengers, but I have now got used to travelling on buses without getting panicky. The picture at the top is of plankton, and the picture at the bottom is of buses. 'What have these two images in common?', you may ask yourself. Let me tell you; the connection is with a form of life which is very common in the area in which I live, namely the Bus-stop Wanker.
Bus-stop Wankers drift aimlessly about in shoals, before eventually gravitating towards the nearest bus-stop. They form untidy clusters around the shelter, and stare blankly in the direction from whence the bus is expected to appear. They communicate with one another by means of a mixture of grunts and high pitched moans. When the bus arrives, a Wanker drifts onto the bus and has a lengthy conversation with the driver. Sometimes the Wanker has got on the wrong bus, so must get off and find another bus-stop on which to hitch itself. Sometimes it is the right bus. At this point the Wanker fumbles about with its purse, trying to find some money. The Wanker looks as if it is undergoing a mystical experience, meanwhile still talking to the driver and fumbling around for change. Eventually the Wanker is successful and succeeds in purchasing a ticket.
As I travelled to school this morning, I couldn't but help noticing all the shite these Wankers were talking. There conversation was bereft of any real meaning. It was non-conversation. It was just empty talk. Talk for the sake of it. At one point, I felt that I was undergoing an otherworldly experience. I remembered Oscar Wilde's remark about this world, the next world, and Australia. For a moment I couldn't remember which world I was in. I kept wishing that, just for one moment, they would shut the fuck up.
I did find the bus-trip very uncomfortable. In my blog the other day, I wondered what normality is. I suppose that the behaviour that I witnessed today must be normal for those who behave in this way. Well it wasn't normal for me. And vice-versa, one supposes?
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