Monday, 20 January 2014

Fucking aspergers

When I wrote a couple of hours ago, I told you how very happy I felt, and how busy my mind was. Since then the mental activity hasn't stopped all bloody day. Well look at the picture of a tornado. This is how my mind feels now. It may even be destroying the flower meadow I imagined earlier. I still have all the cherished memories of this morning, but all the other mental activity is very uncomfortable and distracting. I will be fine, but this is how my brain treats me. It takes everything it has ever thought, mixes it all up, combines it all with any new thoughts, and spits it all out.
No, reader, I am not being cynical or pessimistic, but realistic. The picture represents how I think, twenty-four hours a day. I can see the blue sky approaching, and long for this. The blue sky symbolises all the good people, the better life and all the goodness I am surrounded with.
It is all completely exhausting and I haven't managed to do anything at all today, except for a walk to the madhouse to buy my tobacco. As usual I got stuck behind two lottery wankers. I felt quite tingly when I arrived, and had to bite my tongue to stop me exploding at the imbeciles. They really shouldn't be allowed to wander abroad unless supervised by a responsible adult.
I'll go to the pub after dinner. That will be nice because I'll see my friends. My brother will be there and he always manages to calm me down. It is a new and wonderful thing for me that he actually knows the way my mind works, without my having to explain. On the other hand It saddens me greatly to think he goes through it all too. Fucking aspergers.

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