Friday, 17 January 2014

A madhouse

I didn't have a very good night again, so I'm feeling more tired than I did yesterday. I stubbed my big toe on the foot of the bed as I turned round during the night, and that hurt a bit for a while. There are things I really should be doing today, but they will have to wait until Monday now. I also want to give myself a break from playing at the historic building for a while. The museum and historic building are staffed entirely by volunteers. They already get quite a lot from me, and I really need to do something to help myself, given my present circumstances.
I feel like having a bit of a moan this morning, and I hope that you will indulge me. The picture above is Casa de Locos (Madhouse) by Goya. I've just got back from the supermarket, and it reminds me of a madhouse. My friend who has aspergers finds the place so appalling that he refuses to shop there. I find it appalling too, but I like the things they sell. There are things that they don't sell but the shop is full of, such as imbecility, moronic gestures, plankton-like behaviour, vacant expressions, dithering, morbid obesity, slovenliness, atrocious bodily odours and rank stupidity. I wonder if they ought to sell lobotomies. People do the weirdest things there, like stopping directly in front of you to go through their handbag, without even bothering to check who is around. There is always the danger of being run over by a tractor hurtling towards you at forty miles an hour. The place is full of them, going in all directions. And then it takes you a quarter of an hour or so to move two places up the queue at the fag counter; either you have to wait for some needy person to make their mind up about their purchase (I use the word 'mind' loosely), or to finish a lengthy conversation about crap, or you're stuck behind the lottery wankers. The lottery wankers are the worst, because the transaction always involves three or four separate purchases, plus the ten-minute chat that accompanies each ticket. Worst of all the shop is always, always crowded. I fly round as quickly as possible, just to get away from it all as soon as I can. I find it extremely difficult having these people so close to me, and I always feel edgy and irritable when I shop there.
If you are still reading this, thank you for hearing me out. I've got it orf me chest now.

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