Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Another musical interlude

I woke up this morning thinking about music, and in particular, that of a lesser-known but very talented English composer. Charles Avison (1709-70) was born and died in Newcastle, where he was organist of St Nicholas. I first came across him when studying the works of Antonio Soler, who was a pupil of Scarlatti. The Industrial Revolution, which was already underway in the north-east, had started to produce a new industrial middle class, which demanded music with which it could entertain itself and its guests. Avison, in common with the other bright things of the era, went on the Grand Tour, and brought scores of keyboard sonatas by Scarlatti back with him. It was Avison who introduced Scarlatti to the English. He also composed a set of concertos based on Scarlatti's keyboard sonatas, and the video is of a performance of his fifth concerto. (The two pictures are of Charles Avison and St Nicholas, Newcastle).
The past week or so has been very trying for me. I have eaten properly since Sunday, slept a lot on Monday, and slept in my bed, rather than on the sofa, last night. I feel so much better than I have felt for a while. I know that there is still the daily grind to get through, but I think that if you are inwardly happy, this can leave you in a much better place to deal with life.
I went to the pub last night and saw four of my family circle at different times. Lovely. I am so lucky to have the people around me that I do. Cunt the First (magnitude 1) came in and was a right fucking pest. The imbecile isn't discerning enough to recognise when his audience is lapsing into a coma; he mistakes it for a look of keen interest. I took myself into the corner and played pieces by Chopin, Beethoven, Schubert and Haydn, and people said very kind things about my playing.
I'm going to the pub this afternoon to play some harpsichord music while it's quiet. My brother will be on duty there, and he says that he enjoys my playing. Of course this makes me happy too. This evening there will be a pub quiz, and I also expect to see the friends I visited last Sunday. I do look forward to seeing them. Cunt the First (magnitude 1) has already told us that he will be there too. As usual I will do my level best to ignore the cunt.
Hope you enjoy the music.

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