Sunday, 19 January 2014

Another musical interlude

The Odd Bunch reunion yesterday went very well. We had a roast chicken dinner with a few different trimmings. It was so simple to make but my guests kept saying how much they were enjoying what I had cooked. I know that food does taste different according to the circumstances it is eaten in. When I eat alone I tend to wolf my food down without really tasting it, just to get the meal over and done with. Yesterday the obvious enjoyment felt by my guests rubbed off on me, I ate much more calmly, and each morsel tasted exquisitely delicious. After dinner we spent some time listening to music, which I selected from a variety of genres. My new brother played some of his own work, which has been recorded. I did enjoy hearing it. Yes, he writes his own music, the clever sod. I can't do that.
Afterwards my brother, his partner and I went down the pub. The people I met for the first time the other day, who have two aspergic children, were there and I was delighted to see them. It was a cunt-free zone. Cunt the First was out of the area exhibiting toy cars or some other miskellaneous shite. Cunt the Second hasn't been back since we had to mop up after him. There wasn't a cunt of any description to be found. In fact one thing the pub was totally bereft of was a cunt. BLISS!!!!!!!!!!!! Two regulars came in shortly afterwards, and it is always a joy to see them. We ended up having a sing-song with Yours Truly at the pianofort'. Afterwards I carried on with my pint and one or two more.
Eventually closing time came round, and my brother and I stayed behind for a chat. Contrary to popular misconception, we aspergic types do have feelings, just like 'normal' folk. However we do have real difficulties in communicating. I communicate with my readers by putting my feelings into writing. If I were to try and utter what I am feeling, the words I use don't usually express exactly what I want to say. My brother and I have now come to the point where we now feel more comfortable about expressing feelings, although this is still not at all easy. He also told me about what he wants to do musically. He wants to write songs again and would like me to make music with him. He has been practicing on the ukelele the old-time songs I play at the pub. A result! I am really thrilled that he told me all this of his own volition.
Were it not for my brother, I would not be writing to you now. Let me see what the psychiatric profession can offer an old 'un like me. Brother take my hand and come with me too, for yourself. Let us continue to support one another by doing nothing, apart from being ourselves and being there. Let's see what we can do to make our lives a bit easier.
I digressed. When I got home I picked the chicken carcass dry. Do you know what, a bessarabian shitehawk couldn't have picked more off those bones than I did. It was fun though.
I should have been on duty at the museum at 11am today, but didn't wake up until 11.40am. I felt embarrassed and worried for a bit, but now I don't. When I've finished my coffee and fags I'll take a leisurely stroll down there and let them know.
We're having a meal at the pub this afternoon, and I've made a plum duff for afters. I do feel happy today.
PS new couple, we are looking forward to meeting your son.

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