Tuesday, 7 January 2014

An active mind

I went to bed at midnight and fell asleep very quickly. I do remember waking up several times before finally getting up at 7.30am. I am tired. Since I woke up I've done a lot of thinking. Let me tell you the things I've been thinking about: various friends (individually), the museum, the historic building where I play, the pub, music I've listened to. music I've played, the bedsit I lived in when I was 18 and all the people connected with it, the flat I shared when I was 20, the weather, the rent, jobhunting and other thoughts which have been and gone. Sometimes I thought in both Spanish and French, which I've always done. I've also been experiencing the emotions connected with each thought, memory or person. The picture by William Blake (The Sun at his Eastern Gate, 1820), above, resonates with me this morning. It is busy & overcrowded yet the central figure (the sun) remains calm and peaceful. I do not radiate light though, and always appear fully clothed in public.
The museum has been closed for its christmas break, and will re-open to the public on Saturday. I am involved in the internal audit, and will spend a couple of hours there today.
I must get a job now. When I finish at the museum, I will contact someone who I hope can help me.

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