Wednesday 7 February 2018

Peace of mind

At the historic building I have serious issues around one person. He doesn't stop droning on. It is like one continuous, monotonous sentence that starts as soon as he steps through the door, and doesn't finish until he leaves. He really does my head in, and has caused me to walk out on several occasions. Last Sunday it took our visitors fifteen minutes or longer to walk the five yards from the reception desk to the staircase. I know that because I could hear the boring cunt droning on and on to them. By the time the visitors finally made it upstairs, they were interested in neither my music nor the display of period costume in the next room. I got talking to the woman who is in charge of the costume, and we made a joint realisation; when that particular man is on duty, our visitors behave differently. Instead of taking their time, they are in and out very quickly. It was so bad that this time, the woman who does the costumes got up and walked out.
So yesterday I made two decisions I feel good about. Firstly I am not going to work any more Sundays. I have plenty of more constructive things I can spend my time doing. Secondly I am going to stand back a bit and not do so much there as I have been. I really feel I have been taken for granted, particularly when someone else who is supposed to be the manager, gets all the credit.

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