Saturday 10 February 2018

Deep in thought

Blimey, it wasn't half cold yesterday!! I turned up at the historic building a bit later than usual (but still quite early), and was surprised when the manager turned up. You see he doesn't usually come in on Fridays, so I knew why he'd come in. He asked me why I had decided not to work on Sundays. I explained very calmly and unemotionally (which was not easy, and I particularly concentrated on avoiding the phrase 'irritating cunt' (I must buy him a tube of Vagisil one of these days)). So from now on, I will do nicer and more constructive things of a Sunday. The weather deteriorated early on. As we had no visitors and the streets were deserted, I closed the building after an hour.
I had a good night's sleep, the first in a while, ands woke up deep in thought. It was all about democracy, and our national and international leaders. People really have been let down very badly. Capitalism runs unchecked. Peace does not prevail in the world. Some leaders, by their words and actions, not only damage their countries' reputations, but stoke up international hostility at the same time. In this country public services are chronically underfunded. Then those services are vilified for failing to perform, before being sold off piecemeal to the government's donors (some of whom pay no tax in this country). Although people deserve much better, in the end it is their own fault for electing the parties that are doing so much damage. That is the danger of democracy. People are allowed to vote for things when they don't understand what they are voting for.
The landlord is coming this afternoon to collect his mail. There are a few things I need to point out to him, things that aren't working as they should.

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