Monday 19 February 2018

On reflection

I've had quite an interesting few years, to put it mildly. Three of my worst years ever have given way to one of my best. I must be quite indestructable to have got through what I have, but here I am, rearing to go. It has taken its toll though. I have aged noticeably over the period, and I feel generally tireder.
Because of the tablets I have to take, I am supposed to have a yearly blood test to make sure they are not doing any damage. I haven't had one for years. My previous doctor was an unmitigated disaster. My new doctor, however, is really on the case. She must have been through my records, as she called me in to have the said blood tests. Apparently they didn't look right, so I had to go in for a second lot of tests last week. I wasn't expecting the results until this week, but they rang me back that same afternoon, as the doctor said she was concerned. I am going in for another lot tomorrow morning and will see the doctor later this week. I am not at all worried, but I may well get an explanation as to why I have been feeling so run-down (actually I have been feeling pretty dreadful) for such a long time. You get to a certain age when you wonder what is going to drop off next (!!!)
I have kept myself busy at home, and have nearly finished sorting out the front garden. It is going to look lovely in the summer. Meanwhile I have decided to reduce the number of days I work at the historic building. Thew manager comes in for a few hours at the weekend, but otherwise I am left to get on with running the place. I feel that I have been used very badly. Apart from that I am very unhappy with the manager's general conduct. If the man wants to be the manager, then he had better start managing. I am too tired to carry any passengers.

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