Tuesday 20 February 2018

In the garden

When I get up in the morning I always have my coffee and fags by the back-door window, so I can keep an eye out for what is going on in the garden. Any sign of the green parrots, seagulls, feral pigeons, crows or cats and I'm straight out there with the broom. They tend not to like it. The birds that I do feed are getting used to me now, so long as I am behind the kitchen window. The morning feeding ritual is really quite funny. To begin with, all the birds would fly away as soon as the back door opened. Now they just jump up onto the nearest branch as soon as the door opens, and they are back down within seconds of it closing. I expect that common wild birds must be quite boring to a lot of people, but I've really grown to enjoy them. They are now a permanent part of the garden that I've always wanted, but never had until now.
I had the blood tests this morning and made the nurse laugh when I came out with a joke from a Carry On film (Nothing to worry about. It's just a little prick). It seems that I have vitamin B12 deficiency, which may mean a lifetime of injections. I won't know that until I see the doctor later on this week. It would explain how I've been feeling; extreme tiredness, lack of energy, low mood, pins and needles). I can't wait to get it sorted out.

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