Sunday 10 December 2017

A different life

I am settling down nicely in my new house. The rooms are a good bit smaller (but with higher ceilings) than I'm used to, and it feels so cosy. I particularly relish the peacefulness of it all. No longer do I have to rush out of the door in the morning. Nor are my evenings blighted by whatever the neighbours are up to. Nor am I woken up during the night by the same neighbours.
Over the last few weeks I noticed that there were no birds in the garden. This has given me my latest obsession: bird feeders. From the apple tree I have hung a variety of bird feeders, all containing different types of food. Now my garden is home to a flock of sparrows, blue tits, a blackbird, goldfinches, a robin and some starlings. That is such a nice change. Every day I visit the pet food shop to buy something new to try out on them. What a civilised sort of life, and so different from what I've had to endure.

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