Monday 15 January 2018


I've been feeling quite contented, which is highly unusual for me. I think that having both the washing machine and dishwasher plumbed in at last has done something to lift my mood. And I've got a posh new phone! Well it's not really new. It's second-hand, but new to me.
I've now got the date set for my history talk and recital. Now I know what I'm aiming for, and that gives me a proper timescale for what I need to achieve. And the museum are going to advertise it properly this time. Last time round I felt very let down by their lack of support, particularly since any proceeds will go to them. It was a shame too, because I played fantastically well (even if I say so myself, but I have never been one to boast).
Just now I did the rounds, paying bills in different banks etc. While I was in the post office, I noticed that two places ahead of me in the queue was the noisy cunt who used to be my downstairs neighbour. I gave him a blank but frosty glance and said nothing.
For the past few days I have been rather poorly with my stomach. I know it's probably because all the stress of the past however long has finally caught up with me. And I'm worn out. I realise that I desperately need a rest from my stupidly busy schedule.

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