Wednesday 24 January 2018

In the doldrums

Last Friday I went with a deputation from the local museum, to give a presentation to the charity whose Christmas bash I played for. I had started to feel unwell during the course of the morning,  and ended up saying very little.
I haven't been well ever since. It is finally my turn for the cold/flu/virus thing, whatever it is. Well I'm still standing up, so I don't think it's the flu. I've taken some time off from the historic building to try and get better,  and that has left me at a bit of a loose end. I'm just not used to spending so much time sitting around. I've used some of the time constructively and ordered in some nice things for the house.
I had a terrible shock yesterday.  Guess what? After four cancelled appointments,  the glazier actually turned up at long last and replaced my broken window. The house now feels noticeably warmer than before. Also yesterday I finally bucked my ideas up and put together the posh, state of the art bird feeder that I was sent as a present. I must say I'm very pleased with it, unlike some of the smaller birds that seem to regard it with some suspicion.  The starlings are all over it, though,  so it won't be long before the others follow.
We've got some nasty weather today. Those horrible gales are back.

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