Monday, 12 October 2015


Yesterday was quite a day. I had an excellent time at the historic building and managed to sell some more cds. I felt very honoured when people asked if I had anything like the music I was playing. So, out went the Peter Phillips music for virginals. I then sold a Frescobaldi double cd, explaining that it wasn't quite the same, but was of a similar period. Someone I know came in to listen, which made it even nicer. Afterwards I went to the supermarket and treated myself to spicy bean burgers for dinner. I've liked them ever since my friend in North Wales gave me one for dinner, when she was living in London.
The pub went extraordinarily well. I 'rolled out the barrel' for a short time and people sang, but it was mostly classical. I picked through the Mozart sonatas and played two movements of K332, the slow movement of K333, the fantasia that precedes the c minor sonata, the Alla Turca, and the first movement of the a minor sonata.Then there was the popular Beethoven, things such as Flure de Lees (Fur Elise), the Marcia Funebre from the a flat sonata, and the slow movements of the Moonlight and Pathetique. My memory is pretty good. I played all the Beethoven from memory, bar the funeral march. I left at just before midnight.

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