Monday, 12 October 2015

Dahn the boozer

Last night was a revelation for me. I got to the pub early and got nattering to the barman. He had understood what had happened to me in the psychology department the previous Sunday, when I couldn't get my keyboard. As it goes his conversation showed a great deal of insight into how I think. He also said that he loves having me around, and what a nice atmosphere I create. I didn't react, but you could have knocked me down with a feather. What a kind thing to say.
Some people I know socially came by, who I hadn't seen for a while. I thought they were probably sick and tired of the things I play, but they weren't. They had come to hear me. Some people I know socially from a previous incarnation also came in, and that put me on edge. They haven't done anything to me, but they are good friends of some people who have. They didn't stay long. Then someone else came in who I used to know from before and that was a bonus. I don't mind him one bit.
Then three people came in who were celebrating one of their birthdays. They liked it when I played Happy Birthday To You. Then one of them enquired 'Can you play the Pathetique?' (Of course the slow movement). I duly obliged. In fact I was asked to play it four times. My protests provoked the required response in the form of a pint of cider. They sat around me while I played. The yound lady started crying, so I asked her if it really was so terrible. She replied that both the music and my person reminded her of her late granddad, and that her gran would really enjoy what I was doing. Later on she told me that her granddad was Donald Pleasence so we had quite a natter. He's one of my favourite actors, and I've got so many films of his on dvd. She also told me that she has quite a few film contacts and that she was going to put my name about. Let's see. I did say I'd make a video of my piano stuff for her nan.
Ifter I finished playing I stayed on and enjoyed my pint.

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