I'm in a frivolous, rococo sort of mood, so I'd like to talk about this painting. Aren't they the very epitome of traditional English gentleman-ness. The landscape is beautifully executed, as are the fabrics worn by the subjects. They stand there, solemn and dignified, rulers of their own estate and masters of their situation in life. The picture exudes confidence and wealth.
On the other hand, I doubt that madam would have gone shooting dressed in her best court mantua. It would have been spattered with shit and filth by the time she'd even got to the end of the garden path. It was a ridiculous fashion that made the wearer look like an easel.
Having said all this, the picture is not what my blog is about. It's just that I couldn't find the right picture, so I used the Gainsborough instead. The following is what I actually wanted to say.
Yesterday the pub landlord took me aside and spoke very kindly to me. I find it very hard to accept a compliment, and it makes me feel really awkward, but it is nice to feel that one is valued. In life, a little kindness can go a long way.
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