Thursday, 24 April 2014

A horrible night

I played during the afternoon and came home at 4pm to collect my dinner and change into my concert gear. The playing went well until the cunt arrived about 6pm. He sat next to me and talked loudly throughout. A couple who had been singing were drawn into conversation, and they got up and left shortly afterwards. I couldn't concentrate and took myself outside for a smoke. He came out too. In fact he followed me outside whenever I went for a smoke with anyone, and interrupted the conversation.
My brother and I always talk about how we are managing with things, and about issues connected with Aspergers. What for me is the most difficult is that the cunt homes in on my brother, who is unable to challenge. I have to keep interrupting when I see he's having problems. Whenever we go outside for a fag and a chat we are followed, and the cunt talks over you to hijack the conversation.
I had a meltdown and blew up at the landlord. I did apologise later.
I slept really badly and woke up tired. I should have returned the heart monitor to the hospital by 9am but am still trying to calm down.

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