Friday, 25 April 2014

About my life

I have always had issues with communication. I was not allowed to say what I thought when I was a boy, and with hindsight I'm sure that hasn't helped me. Because of my difficulties in communicating, and my natural fear of doing so, I have been bullied for most of my life. At school I was knocked around and verbally abused. At home I was psychologically abused, which was the worst of all. As an adult I had no social life at all until last June. I had no conversation in any of the languages that I speak. I had nothing to say. I could not bear to be around people, and I don't know how I ever managed to hold a job down. People always took the piss out of me at work, usually because of my sexual orientation (but probably because of my intellect). In my last job, I had people of a certain imported religious persuasion (including two managers) verbally threatening me. Still, here I am.
Even though he's not bullying me, the cunt's behaviour leaves me with the feeling of being bullied. He is asserting his 'authority' over one by not allowing you to speak. This silence is something that I've worked very hard at, to try and overcome it. What he's saying is 'I don't care who you are or what you think. You will listen to me'.
Without being too melodramatic, I have suffered greatly in my life. I don't want to go back to all that. I am so glad that people have listened to me. I'm so glad too that I haven't been blamed. Most of all, I am glad that, this time I have been believed.

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