Friday, 9 May 2014

Something about Aspergers

My mood has been very uncomfortable this week. I've been going to the pub but have been largely unable to talk. I didn't feel comfortable there, but didn't feel comfortable anywhere else either. I'm finally getting to the bottom of what's been making me feel so miserable. It was that business the other Friday, where I was spoken to very badly. I'm really upset about it, but the person in question is all sweetness and light. I'd really like to say something to the person to put the record straight, but know that I shouldn't. I'm really quite angry about it.
The situation reminds me of my earlier life, where I was marginalised and completely without a voice, and putting up with absolutely everything just so as no-one else was upset. It seems harder now, because having found my voice, something prevents me from saying what I mean. It's been doing my head in. I'll live.

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