Wednesday, 10 February 2016


After the computers went down I thought I'd wait around at the library, in case they came back on again. In the event they didn't. I spent some time reading a very interesting book on local history. Then the local scum came in, and what with their antics and all the numerous conversations that were taking place, I found myself unable to continue reading so got up and left.
Afterwards I went to the supermarket and then home. I ran through the Irish stuff that I'm going to play on Friday. I did get bored so took wandered up to the charity shop. I couldn't believe my luck when I found a green jacket! That's exactly what is needed for the Irish do.
It was curry (again) for dinner, and then I watched Port Of Escape. I do like a good melodrama, particularly when Googie Withers is involved. Bed at twenty to nine.

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