Saturday, 7 November 2015


I cooked as soon as I got home from the library. Rather than going for one of the posh recipes in a book, I made a very simple curry I'd been shown how to make when I was seventeen. Do you know what? I thoroughly enjoyed it and ate the lot.
Afterwards I had some oat nobblies (don't laugh, that's what they are called) and sat down to the Jeremy Brett Sherlock Holmes dvds again, for a change. I didn't take much notice of them, because I was too busy thinking.
There was a fair bit of noise outside, mainly from cars pulling up outside the flats and leaving their engines running while they waited. There were happier sounds from various drunken revelers milling about. Upstairs was generally quiet apart from the usual stampeding sounds, but they stopped around nine o'clock. About an hour later there were some really strange (probably drink and/or drug-induced) shrieks and laughter coming from one of the flats upstairs. I turned in at ten past ten feeling very shaky.

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