Thursday, 15 October 2015

The news

Two stories caught my attention this morning. The first is about a mother who is trying to prevent her son from being decapitated and crucified. The head of state of that country has denied her son the right to appeal. Its foreign minister has also said that other countries should not interfere in its internal affairs, when their representatives have raised the matter.
Meanwhile that same country's foreign minister has summoned another country's foreign minister, because of a forthcoming translation of a book which is offensive to the first country's religion.
Hypocrisy. The first country is signatory to the UN Convention on Human Rights, but is blatantly contravening it in the case of the first item. Hypocrisy. It also complains of meddling by other countries, when it is actively meddling in the affairs of the country where the book is to be published, in the case of the second item.
That's the problem with theocracies; while they actively persecute their opponents, they arrogantly proclaim that they are being victimised. But of course they are right, aren't they? After all their book says they are right, so they must be.

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