Tuesday, 13 October 2015


I left the library with the hump and went to the supermarket. They had sold out of one of the items I'd gone to buy, so I had a nice uphill walk in the howling wind to the next nearest supermarket. When I got home I realized that, stewing in my own juices, I'd forgotten to pick up my tablets from the chemist.
A letter was waiting for me, from the people who are going to assess me for ASD. The letter was written by the consultant psychologist. I was shell-shocked. They wanted me to phone them, and for me to be accompanied by my parents or someone who knew me when I was a child. I wrote back with my phone number asking them to contact me, explaining my age, that I have no parent of either gender, that I am estranged from my family, and that I have nothing pertaining to my childhood. They also wanted some developmental history, which I can only assume they mean in an academic sense. I told them about the bullying, in case that's what they meant.
Now I wrote to my MP last week. Is the speedy receipt of this letter mere coincidence, or has the MP done something to expedite matters?
I'm thrilled to bits that I've heard from the people, but now I've started worrying too. On balance this is for me a marvellous occurrence, and a major event in my life.

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