Friday, 9 October 2015

Pillars of morality

Governments. I don't know where to start. I'm thinking of one particularly brutal theocracy where people are executed with terrifying regularity and in the most appalling manner. Its head of state is a righteous man, but thinks that evil is good. It is a major business partner of my own country, and we rely on the intelligence it gives us.
My country is not a theocracy, although the fact that in this day and age the Church is allowed to have any participation in matters of government, is anachronistic and quite disgraceful. Our head of state too is a righteous man, and full or the sickening false goodness so often derived from religion. The two heads of state have a very comfy relationship. The relationship serves to swell our national coffers to the detriment of even the most basic human rights in the other country. Our government turns a blind eye to such atrocities as it would be rightly indignant about, were they to happen elsewhere.
They are both fucking hypocrites.

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