This is the old Greenwich Union Workhouse. It was a terrible place, and notorious for the cruelty of its staff. Quite a few of my ancestors went in on their feet and came out in a box.
Nowadays things are quite different, aren't they?
We have a health service which is overstretched and underfunded to such an extent that its services are not universally accessible. We have a government which oversees a system that tells terminally ill people that they are fit to work, and disallows them from claiming benefits. As in Victorian times we are governed by people who pander to the rich and the pious, at the same time demanding that the poor give more. Of course the people who are pandered to are complicit in supporting this system. Injustice and unfairness are injustice and unfairness, whatever the smug and self-satisfied call them, and however the same people justify them. For shame.
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