Friday, 31 March 2017


The news bulletins seem to be going from bad to worse. It really is depressing, what with all the tales of suffering on both a small and a large scale. I don't understand why people can't at least try to treat one another a bit more kindly.
What for me is quite terrifying, is when the leader of what is apparently a democracy, acquires for herself by stealth almost dictatorial powers. Who are we to lecture anyone on the virtues of democracy? The terrifying thing about it is that the game-show-watching majority will believe the woman to be doing good, and will vote for her time and time again. Governments and societies that persecute their weakest members are not manifestations of a healthy democracy.
What is also of concern is, that what we are told is a 'fair, free and impartial' press is neither of these things. It broadcasts those things the Government wants us to be told, and in a way that reflects well on the Government. It manipulates the truth. It gives little or no coverage to matters that would rock the boat. One example is the recent U.N report on H.M. Government's treatment of the disabled. Another is the many thousands of suicides and suspicious deaths of disabled people, whose benefits had been stopped. Another is the recent anti-Brexit march. Is this really the sort of world that people want to live in?

A roof over one's head

A couple of weeks ago, the letting agency called (Bastards. I asked them to either text or email me.) to say that the landlord was going to sell my flat, and that I was going to be given notice to vacate the premises. At the time, that was devastating news. The following week I received several further calls, informing me that potential buyers were going to be shown round the flat. I've had no further calls since then, so I'm assuming that the sale is going ahead. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I really loved my flat when I moved in. It was more than I could possibly have hoped for. I still love it, but for quite a while I haven't enjoyed living there. It has become noisier and noisier, and the noise goes on well past a time which would (or should) be considered acceptable.
Well I am going to get somewhere much quieter at the end of all this. It will be lovely to be able to sit down in peace either thinking, or watching a film without having to keep pausing it. I've quite forgotten what that feels like.

Thursday, 30 March 2017


What is happening in the world today? Everything seems to be upside-down. We have wicked callousness in positions of power and importance, telling us that they themselves are really the good ones, and marginalising those people who don't quite fit. We see the structures of co-operation crashing down around us. We see greed glorified and the vulnerable vilified. The countries of the world seem to be ruled by those who do not want peace. There is so much rampant 'lower common denominator', populist, isolationist stuff going on. It really is frightening.

In general

I've been having quite a time of it lately. My autism is not always apparent to other people, as I tend to 'wear a mask' in the outside world, with the intention of going about my business quite un-noticed. My mask hides the things I struggle with, from those I come into contact with. Sometimes the mask won't come off, for example when I hide what I'm thinking from those who really ought to know about it. As a result I tend to 'slip through the net' time and time again, when in reality those people and systems that are supposed to be there for me do not spot the telltale signs, owing to the lack of a searching question or two on the part of the service provider. So here I am, still trying to resolve my long-standing, ongoing issues with H.M Government's agencies.
Then on top of that, I have been told that my landlord intends to sell my flat, so I am going to be given my marching orders. Initially that piece of  news came as a devastating blow, but not anymore. My support worker is fucking brilliant. It look like I'm going to get something better at the end of it. I'm going to be really hacked off if the landlord changes his mind.