I'm not up to writing today. I am too upset, and heartily sickened by this morning's news. So the Prime Minister is going. So fucking what. All we are going to get is more of the same, but probably even worse.
This government has done as much harm to the country as Hitler did, but without the deployment of a single missile.
The danger of democracy is that extremists can use it to obtain a position of power. Another danger is that the fate of a country can be decided by an uneducated (although they went to school) and ignorant electorate, who are not in possession of the facts (they mistake the hysterical stuff in the tabloids for facts), and therefore in no position to make an informed decision. Last night's result was a victory for extremism.
There is a lot to be said for co-operation, both between people and between nations. No parliament is perfect, not even the European one, but it has repeatedly demonstrated that it is trying to work for the common good of all European citizens.
Now we have once again become as island nation, isolationist and alone, and with no protection from the machinations of unscrupulous government.